高工直线模组使用安全記載-Safely Records 二维码
產棠用的直线滑台是擁有高度程序設計的機械,動作上有很大的自由度,為了能安全正確地使用高工直线滑台,以下記載有關安全性指示請務必注意。如果沒有執行必要的安全對策操作或錯誤操作時,不僅會引起直线滑台的故障和損傷,有可能還會造成使用者(包含安装、操作、調整、檢查者等)受傷、死亡和重大的事故。 Industrial robots are highly mechanical devices that provide a large degree of freedom when performing various manipulative tasks.Failure to take necessary safety measures or mishandling due to not fllowing the Instructions in this manual may result in trouble or damage to the robot and injury to personnel (robot operator or service personnel) including fatal accidents. 危險 DANGER 如果操作錯誤,會造成死亡還有重傷,以致危及到生命。 Failure to fllw DANGER instructions will result in severe injury or death to the robol operator, bystanders or persons inspecting or repairing the robot. 警告 WARNING 如果操作錯誤,會造成死亡還有重傷可能性。 Failure to fllow WARNING instrutions could result in severe injury or death to the robot operator bystanders or persons inspectling or repairing the robol. 注意 CAUTION 如果操作錯誤.有可能造成人員受傷及物品的損傷。 Falilure to fllow CAUTION instructions may result In injury to the robot operator,bystanders or persons inspecting or repairing the robot,or damage to the robot and or robot contollr. 要點 POINTS 直线滑台操作順序的要點說明。 Key points of the sequence of operations of the Electric Slide. 操作說明無法詳細敘述所有關於安全項目的細項,故使用者務必遵照本注意事項,以建立正確的安全知識及判斷的能力。有關直线滑台的位置,使用的基本法則、規格請參照本中有關直线滑台的設置。另外. 本直线滑台的警告標詰及操作說明書是針對台灣國內的。直线滑台向國外出口時,警告標記及操作說明有必要進行變更。 NOTE It is not possible to list all safety items in detail within the limited space of this manual. So it is essential that the user have a full knowledge of base safety rules and also that the operator makes correct judgments on safety procedures during operation. This manual and waring labels supplled with or afixed to the robot are written in English. If the robot operator or service personnel does not undewstand English, do not permit that person to handle the robot. 下一篇线性滑台的选型问题